

In order to provide our clients with a comprehensive and multidisciplinary service, Balms Abogados has a fiscal, accounting and taxation advice department for all clients, whether they are individuals or legal entities, residents or non-residents, helping them in their daily organisational tasks and assisting them with tax filing, book-keeping and administrative management, complemented by fiscal and taxation guidance.>

The accounting services offered include the daily management and supervision of accounts, ledger entries, balances and income statements.

In order to optimise the tax status of clients and because we understand that, at both a personal and business level, an up to date knowledge of the current legislation on taxation issues is essential, Balms Abogados has tax advisors who study the new tax optimisation possibilities for different clients in various situations.

Among the services on offer, we place emphasis on the following:

  • Fiscal and accounting advice for individuals and legal entities
  • Fiscal and accounting advice for companies
  • Representation of foreign entities in Spain
  • Tax returns for individuals and legal entities
  • Corporate and Value Added Tax
  • Retention models
  • Income and asset statements of non-resident individuals
  • Fiscal planning for companies and individuals
  • Corporate restructuring advice
  • Real estate taxation
  • Inheritance planning advice
  • Appeals and negotiations with HM Revenue & Customs (formally the Inland Revenue)
  • Preparation and legalisation of accounting records and annual financial statements
  • Proceedings with banks, notaries, land and mercantile registries and other public bodies.
Our specialists

Noelia Sánchez

Accounting and tax adviser since 2002 with extensive experience in asset holding companies...

Rafael Guerrero

Degree in Business Administration and Management from the U.N.E.D. Accountant and tax consultant with more than 13 years of experience in accounting and finance of the companies.

Carlos Badiola

Currently completing his dissertation project to graduate with a bachelors in Law at the Universidad Católica de Ávila. Since 2014, Carlos has formed part of the team of tax and accounting assessors of the Balms Abogados Group, attending to the representational and advisory needs of clients and the compilation of taxes for non-resident persons of Spain.

Antonio Cintrano

Graduated with a Bachelors in Business Management and Administration from the Universidad de Málaga. Accounting and Tax Advisor with more than 11 years of experience in business accounting and finance. Since 2003, he has formed part of the team of accounting and tax advisors at the Balms Abogados group, attending to the internal accounting of the group...

Pablo Martín

​Bachelor of Business Administration and Management from the University of Alcalá and Master in Taxation and Tax Consulting from the Centre for Financial Studies.

Ana Sánchez

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from the University of Vigo in 2013, with a specialization in management and organization of companies. With a Master's Degree in Tax Consulting and Taxation with double degree issued by the Distance University of Madrid and the Center of Professional Initiatives.

Isabel Coca

​Degree in Business Administration and Management by E.T.E.A. University Institution of the Company of Jesus, University of Córdoba. Master in Fiscal Advice at EADE and University Expert in Accounting and Auditing at the UMA.

Leopoldo Martínez

Graduated in Law by the University of Granada in the year 2012, he has a Professional Master in Tax and Tax Advice given by Master Fiscal Granada, finishing his studies in 2013.

Maria Ángeles Pantoja

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from the University of Málaga. Masters in Tax and Accounting Advice at the School of Business Excellence in Malaga (E.X.C.E), finishing my studies in 2018.

Alejandro Azcona

​Graduated in Law from the University of Seville in 2013, he has a Professional Master in Tax and Tax Advice ​provided by the Cajasol Institute of Legal Studies Business School in 2014.​​

Carlos Moreno

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from the University of Málaga.

Sandra Jáuregui

Más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector de la asesoría fiscal y contable, con amplia experiencia en Pymes, Autónomos y Comunidades de Propietarios.

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