
Pablo Martín

Fiscal Advisor

Bachelor of Business Administration and Management from the University of Alcalá and Master in Taxation and Tax Consulting from the Centre for Financial Studies.

As a complementary training, he has a Master in Commercial Management and Marketing at ESIC, as well as different courses for improvement and tax updating throughout the years.

Since 2004 he has been developing his work activity in the field of tax and accounting advice for companies, self-employed and individuals.

Member of the Madrid College of Economists since 2004.


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Aspectos principales de las sociedades de capital y su implicación fiscal Actualidad Legal

Aspectos principales de las sociedades de capital y su implicación fiscal

Las sociedades mercantiles en España se regulan en el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2010 de 2 de julio, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley de Sociedades de Capital (en adelante, LSC). Dicha Ley, reviste un carácter integrador, debido a que unificó la Ley por la que se regulaban las Sociedades Anónimas de 1989, junto con la Ley de 1995, que contenía la normativa reguladora de la Ley de Sociedades Limitadas.

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