
Juan Carlos López-Morago


Practicing lawyer since 1990, with broad experience in Private Law. He specializes in civil and commercial law, although throughout his career he has also worked under jurisdictions of penal and labour matters, which endowed him with a comprehensive perspective of law, useful for providing clients with suitable legal solutions.

After completing his secondary education in a private centre, he attended C.E.U San Pablo University of Madrid.

Furthermore, he pursued various professional courses on: Labour Law and Social Security (CEF); International Civil Law (CEF), Bankruptcy Law (ICAM) and Corporate Law and Commercial contracts (ESIC); he completed his postgraduate education achieving a Master´s in Human Resources Administration and Management (CEF), and a second Master´s in Private Law and Procedure (CEF).

In addition to Spanish, he speaks English as a consequence of his 1 year residence in London (England).

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Housing lease contracts in the current State of Alarm Actualidad COVID-19

Housing lease contracts in the current State of Alarm

What in principle could be a good starting point, since the measures related to leasing contracts and adopted by the Government of Spain through Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, of the 31st of March, are intended to preserve compliance of the agreements; the rule does not contemplate any special regulation regarding the leases of business premises.

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