Daniel Álvarez de Blas
Date 17/04/2020
Paraphrasing Mrs. Yolanda Díaz Pérez, head of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, in one of her glorious and memorable speeches, “allow me this consideration”.
I only try to help the children of Spain to understand what we have ended up accepting to be called “ertes”, clarifying the content of some of the phrases that, in that intervention, this Excellency Mrs. gave us and that I transcribe:
· “Journalists do not understand what the European Commission has understood very well, which is the dynamics of the ertes system that the Spanish government has promoted”.
· “The measures of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 oblige the maintenance of employment (...) for at least 6 months”.
· “Ertes are not unemployed. We have made the ertes to avoid destroying employment and I say again that the European Commission wants to emulate the Spanish model (…)”
· “(…) let's see if we can explain it (…)”
This, which is being sold to us as a model of the current Spanish government that the European Commission wants to emulate and export, is nothing more than a set of nuances in the content of, among other norms, the much-hated “Rajoy labour reform” undertaken by the Royal Decree-Law 3/2012, of the 10th of February.
Qualifications of article 13 of that royal decree-law, which brought about the updating of the system of suspension of contracts and reductions in working hours for objective reasons and force majeure.
Qualifications of article 15, comprehensive of the exoneration of quotas, of greater and more profuse development and, undoubtedly, of better wording than that contained in Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, and also with the fixing of a longer duration for the commitment of job maintenance, which was set at 12 months.
Nor should Her Excellency the Minister who, in times of that Government, which she detests so much, pass Royal Decree-Law 16/2014, of December 19, which regulates the Employment Activation Program. The rule in whose fourth additional provision is developed the exemption from the payment of quotas in cases of force majeure to favour the maintenance of employment.
Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 is the necessary adaptation, to the current and very serious situation, of rules already in force, approved by the reviled previous Government, which, without a doubt, have been very useful in the current circumstances.
I recognise excellence to Mrs. Fátima Báñez García.