
Pablo Antonio Sánchez


Lawyer licensed in 2010. Lawyer specialized in Civil Procedural Law, as well as in civil and commercial contractual matters.

Master's Degree in Public International Law and International Relations, by the University of Granada (2.013-2.014).

Master's Degree in Access to Advocacy (2018).

Urban Planning Course. Fydu Foundation. Marbella (2019-2020).

Languages: Spanish and English


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How and how much can I claim for my multi-currency mortgage? Actualidad Legal

How and how much can I claim for my multi-currency mortgage?

The Supreme Court declares the partial nullity of a multi-currency loan The so-called Multi-currency Mortgages are a type of mortgage loan in which the payment of the instalments in a currency other than the Euro (Dollars, Yen or Swiss Francs, etc.) is allowed.

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How and how much can I claim for my multi-currency mortgage? Actualidad Legal

How and how much can I claim for my multi-currency mortgage?

The Supreme Court declares the partial nullity of a multi-currency loan The so-called Multi-currency Mortgages are a type of mortgage loan in which the payment of the instalments in a currency other than the Euro (Dollars, Yen or Swiss Francs, etc.) is allowed.

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Now you can request an annulment of the floor clause when you subrogated on the loan when buying your home. Actualidad Legal

Now you can request an annulment of the floor clause when you subrogated on the loan when buying your home.

The Supreme Court declares the nullity of the floor clause of a developer loan, subsequently novated by the buyer. The First Chamber of the Supreme Court in a sentence dated November 24th, 2017, has declared the nullity of the floor clause of a loan from a developer in which a buyer was subrogated.

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