Labour Relations Specialist, working in the industry since 2003. Monica has broad experience in the field of labour law and social security. In addition, she specializes in company consultancy.
Specialist in Occupational Risk Prevention since 2009.
Social and work auditor since 2011.
Head of the Labour and Human Resource Department at Balms Abogados since 2016.
After having completed her college studies in secretarial work (bilingual programme) at a center in Marbella, she attended The University of Malaga where she graduated with excellent results with a degree in Labour Relations. To consolidate her theoretical knowledge she undertook a work placement at Mutua Universal Mugenat, Mutua for labour-related accidents and diseases.
Furthermore, she also attended various professional courses related to safety management for companies: Organic Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Labour Relations (2009), adaptation to the new law regulating social jurisdiction, the Labour Market Reform (2012), Mediation and other strategies for conflict resolution, working environment, mass dismissal procedures, contract suspension and reduction of workday, staff and salary management, update on norms of the social security scheme.
She speaks Spanish and English.